KidsAid Running Challenge - Run Across Europe 2022

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Henrik Elsig Andersen
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KidsAids Generelle Arbejde

KidsAid Running Challenge - Run Across Europe 2022

During one month in the summer of 2022 I will run from the South of France to Denmark. It will be a massive mental and psychical challenge taking me through 4 countries running 60 km's per day and the 1.800 kilometers will push me to the maximum limits. On Bastille Day, the 14 July, I will run out of the French town of Mazamet and on 13 August arrive to my hometown in Roskilde.

I’m 55 years old and has been running for around 35 years, but never at a competitive level. Only two years ago I got hooked on ultrarunning and was able to complete my first 100 km run. Shortly after I started to plan for this adventure and are now halfway through the 18 month training program. During the last 9 month I have worked closely on the program with my highly experienced coach and mentor, Jesper Kenn Olsen, who is the only person in the world, who has run around the world twice.

I fully recognize how privileged I’m to be able to engage in a project like this - and I'm well aware that not everyone has the same opportunities in their life. I therefore hope to collect money for KidsAid's fantastic work to support children in need enabling them to make some of their dreams come through.

You can donate using Mobilepay 919162 "KidsAid Running Challenge" or via the website.

You can follow the project on Facebook becoming a member of the group: Run Across Europe 2022

See more about KidsAid on:
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9.300 kr.
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Seneste aktivitet

  • Henrik Brandt Henrik Brandt gav 300 kr.

    I dyb beundring over en fantastisk flot præstation, der bød på både op- og nedture. Det er igen et bevis på sandheden "Hvad du ikke har i benene, må du have i hovedet". Det gode formål der indsamles til støtter jeg med glæde.

  • Karsten Bak Karsten Bak gav 250 kr.

    Hej Henrik! Det har været spændende at følge din tur hjem fra Frankrig, jeg er meget imponeret over din bedrift. Mange hilsner Karsten (en af dem, du besejrede i Viborg, til lykke med DM-guldet)

  • Kristina Stampe Meier Kristina Stampe Meier gav 300 kr.

  • Jyllinge Løbeklub Jyllinge Løbeklub gav 3.200 kr.

  • Feriekompagniet A/S Feriekompagniet A/S gav 5.000 kr.

    Har mødt Henrik og er voldsomt imponeret over hans fuldstændigt vilde projekt. Når løbeturen så samtidig kan støtte et godt formål, fortjener den også økonomisk opbakning.

  • morten pilnov morten pilnov gav 250 kr.

    Tak for en super præsentation Henrik. Dbh Morten